

Learning outcomes

  • Analyze literacy narratives to understand their conventions
  • Brainstorm ideas for a narrative of your own
  • Experience composing process and deploy effective drafting strategies
  • Examine and implement feedback provided by a consultant

Assignment Description

  1. Read two literacy narratives from the archive.
  2. Discuss these narratives either with a partner or a group.
  3. Using the assignment description and prompt questions found on the NARWOL website, generate a list of ideas that you might draw from to compose a literacy narrative of your own.
  4. Over the next 2-3 weeks, select your best ideas and draft your literacy narrative.
  5. Make a 30-minute appointment with any consultant in your center.
  6. Following the appointment, make a plan for how you will incorporate the consultant’s feedback.
  7. In a staff meeting, offer some thoughts about how coming into the writing center as a client rather than a consultant may have impacted your perception of the work you do.